our services as Fiberglass & Blisters repair .this is our Professional Business and we had served in Europe & UAE From 2001 - 2019. and from 2019 we had started serving in canada.
we advice our customers every 3 years they should lift the boat out of the water and check the hull .
should be inspected for osmosis and Blisters . “
typically they will be one of the following two types of blisters:
1. A blister that is within the antifoul or fairing only which is possibly a result of contamination or poor preparation when applying the fairing or antifoul system and can be simply remedied by sanding and prepping at the time of antifouling or
2. A blister that is considered Osmosis is typically a result of moisture being trapped within the fiberglass below the gelcoat and or top coatings causing softening in those areas. Over long periods of time this can affect the structural integrity of the hull in those areas. It is highly recommended all blistering is treated early to avoid any possibility of further water ingress into the hull.


definition of what osmosis is?
The definition of the word osmosis is ” the equalization of a solution, by the passage of the solution through a semi permeable membrane”.
Osmosis occurs due to this process, once the moisture enters the GRP Hull it mixes with the uncured chemicals in the layup and the solution thickens up and applies pressure to the surrounding GRP. This pressure splits the laminate making room for more solution to enter which thickens up and this process causes the blister`